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“The Lazy Man’s Guide To Traffic Generation and List Building in 3 Simple Steps” 

How To Build An Automated Traffic & Income System 


This guide is all about hands-free traffic and earning money. I will show you how to get more visitors to your offers more easily by combining the power of three. 

As an online marketer, you know how important it is to get visitors to your website and offers. But without the initial “traffic” you won’t get any visitors or leads, let alone sales, and income, right?

Happily, all you need to get good quality visitors to your offers are the 3 traffic tools I’ve detailed for you in this guide. When we’re done you can copy the whole thing for your use. How’s that?! Let’s get started.

Finding Quality Visitors Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

This Simple System Will You Get All The Premium Traffic You Need

If you’re here reading this, then I know you’re probably busy right now… trying to earn credits by traffic surfing, reading emails or clicking ads. Well what if I told you, that you never had to do any of that, ever again?

You see, chasing free traffic is honestly about the worst possible use of your time I can imagine.

Quality issues aside, free traffic usually ends up being even more expensive than paid traffic.

Life is short and your time is precious, and as a business owner, you have enough other things to do that are a much better use of your time.

If you’re spending hours-on-end trying to generate free traffic, and you’re not factoring in your time as a very real expense, then you’re making a major mis-calculation.

Next time you’re doing any of this, put a price of just $25/hour on your time and divide the number of ACTIONS your traffic surfing generated… optins or sales… and see just how much you actually pay for each one.

Most people will find they have to surf for an hour or more to get enough clicks to generate a single opt-in.

An actual sale might take 3-4 hours of this “busy-work”.

So that opt-in is costing $25 and the sale could cost you as much as a $100! Together that’s more than you’d pay for an entire year of traffic from any of the premium traffic services I’m about to share with you.

And spoiler alert … I’m also going to show you how you can get these fully-funded and in time, turn them into 3 standalone passive income streams.

If that sounds like a better plan, then stop all your busy-work for the next 10 minutes and give me your full attention.

Premium Traffic Done Right!

This is super-simple on so many levels.

By the time you read through this guide you’ll see how with a few easy steps you can set up ongoing, and virtually hands-free traffic.

You can literally set it up in the next little while and have high quality buyer traffic hitting your offers as soon as today.

And if you follow the strategy laid out here, you could have it fully funded within a week or two… and be earning a growing volume of recurring commissions after that.

Now that’s going to sound far too good to be true to a lot of people who’ve been taught that Traffic Surfing and Reading Emails are the best way to drive traffic to your offers. Surely it’s not that easy?


If that sounds like you, then just be aware that the people teaching that “busy-work” approach tend to be the very same people who own the traffic exchanges and email safelist websites.

They NEED you to do all that mindless work to create the surplus traffic that they then sell as membership upgrades.

It’s not about getting you traffic, leads and sales, it’s all about building a big membership that they can then sell stuff to every time you login.

That’s why I would rather pay for traffic and use the time saved to be productive and develop my business.

So below you’ll find three Premium Traffic Services.

Each of these programs will deliver 100% hands-free traffic to your offer, 24/7, for as long as you remain a subscriber. They aren’t free but they aren’t expensive either. All three costs less than $15 a month.

Here’s the beauty of the system though…

Each of these programs will pay you 50% commission on all referrals. 

And the way we’re going to set this up, you’re almost guaranteed to get your first couple of referrals really fast… so before you know it, you’ll have your very own fully-funded Traffic Triumvirate System.

How can I be so confident?

Simple… we’re going to set it up so that the first place you send your premium traffic is to your copy of this guide, and that will get your initial referrals and start growing your recurring commission income.


Step 1. Activate Your Traffic Services

Just open each of the sites below and set up your account. If you don’t have the funds for all three, just do the first one for now, and then make sure you add the others as quickly as possible after that.

#1 The Click Engine

The Click Engine is a very affordable traffic service.  It will give you hands free traffic every single month for $4.90 on autopilot. 

This one relies more on internal member traffic… members viewing other member’s offers… so the volume is lower but you know the visitors are all proven buyers so you are getting REAL buyer traffic.

Pro Tip: There is a yearly option for $49 and even if you start with the monthly option, you can change your plan and your 4.90/month subscription will automatically be cancelled. 

There’s a one-time upgrade here to double your traffic. That’s worth considering. Regarding affiliate approval, customers do get priority.

There is a lot more to The Click Engine than stated here. Inside you will also find many useful bonuses and innovative affiliate material.


#2 Traffic Blaster Pro


This one is a little more expensive than the first one, but you can try it for 7 days for $1 then pay $9.90 every 30 days. If you can afford the 6-month option at $34.90, the price is just $5.80 a month.

TBP is a recurring payment program, that can turn into a very lucrative side-income or full-on business because it delivers high quality traffic at the fraction of the cost of most other providers.

Links need to be added to the system by the owner so it is best  to use a tracking link. That way you can change it whenever you want without having to contact Admin to ask that they change it for you.

There are plenty of tools and training in the members area to help you promote Traffic Blaster Pro plus there are some very useful bonuses covering more traffic tricks and list building methods. 

Traffic Blaster Pro also has a full done-for-you funnel system with follow up emails to promote all the different traffic packages they offer from which you will earn more commissions. 

The done-for-you funnel is available for all members and affiliates.


#3 The Click Generator

This one gives you multiple options to reach hot targeted prospects for as little as $0.17 per day.

This is perfect for IM, MLM, MMO, Bizop offer etc. The affiliate toolbox is packed full with banners, email swipes, splash pages and a new DFY funnel is due shortly too.

For as little as $5 a month, you can get high-quality pre-qualified traffic for just pennies on the dollar – ALL on autopilot. 

Pro Tip: You get 3 months free with the yearly option 😉

There’s a lot of other features in the package that you can explore later in the the Members Area, but for now just create your affiliate account to get approval and your affiliate link.

Create Your Click Generator Affiliate Account Here

OK.  That’s the three traffic platforms we are going to use. We’ll come back and submit your links shortly, but first, there’s a couple of steps you need to complete to avoid going back-and-forth too much.

Step 2. Get Your Affiliate Links

The first step is to open your “Click Engine” account. There is a lot to take in so take your time.

Then login into Warrior Plus and request approval to promote all three services. They all offer 50% recurring commissions which are paid directly to you by Warrior Plus.

If you don’t have an account you can create one then just login and go to the ‘Affiliates’ link in the top menu. Click on that and look for ‘Offers’ in the drop down menu. On that page, locate the programs, click on the program name and the affiliate information will open.

If you purchased already, then there’ll be a button for you to GET LINK. Click on that and copy and paste the link where you can find it! 

If you haven’t purchased yet, the button will say ‘Request Approval’ instead. Click on that and you can enter a message to the Vendor and request approval.

Getting Approved

ALWAYS include a message. Most Vendors use those as a way to filter out bot traffic… so no message from you will usually mean no approval from them!

Make sure you use the message to demonstrate that you are a legit affiliate marketer who plans to promote their product responsibly to a quality audience.

Give a few examples of where you plan to promote… your blog, social media, YouTube , TikTok, mailing lists, etc..

Tell them you plan to purchase as soon as possible, but you’d like to get started promoting immediately to offset the cost.

If you do this right, you should be approved without too much delay. 

If you don’t have much of a sales history on WarriorPlus you might find you need to purchase yourself before you’ll get approved, but if you use the Message option to state your case to the owner, you might get lucky.

While you wait for approval, you can continue with the set up…



Step 3. Copy This Page

This system works when you give your referrals an easy and effective way to duplicate what you’ve done.

So now, please make your own copy of this guide… 

You can use it as a Google doc, a Word doc, a PDF or if you’ve got a blog you can just copy-and-paste everything into a new page and edit it to suit your style. 

If you want to have a standalone website, you can grab a free site on Wix, WordPress or something similar. In fact you can use any method you like to make a copy of this page …just DO IT and DO IT NOW!

Make sure you change ALL three referral links to use your own WarriorPlus affiliate link. This is the most important step, so double check it or I’ll be the one getting all your commissions!

Do that now, tweak the layout as required and personalise the text a bit if you like… and publish it ‘somewhere. Make a note of the full URL to your new page.

Paste that into your browser and make sure it works!

Step 4. Launch Your Autopilot Traffic System!

The final step is to submit your Page URL to each of your three traffic services.

Login to “The Click Generator” account first and add it via the Links Manager page. Make sure you complete the 2-step verification process so your link is fully activated. Your traffic will start immediately.

The other two traffic sites don’t allow you to change your link so easily, so you should submit a tracking link instead. They each provide their own instructions for that, so just follow those to create and submit your link. The URL tracker I recommend is a free service called LeadsLeap which offers a whole suite of marketing tools too.

The traffic will start coming through from those sites as well once your links are added.

And that’s it!

What Happens Next?

Your copy of this guide will start receiving a steady flow of premium traffic from three quality providers.

Some of those visitors will be members of one site who are keen to try the others… and you will earn commissions.

Some might be traffic surfers or email readers who are ready to try paid traffic… and you will earn commissions.

And some are going to copy everything that you’ve just done… and you will earn commissions.

They’ll create their own Traffic Triumvirate system…

When they’ll sign up for all three programs, you will earn both instant and ongoing commissions in all three!

And best of all, when their referrals start repeating the process as well, you’ll know your referrals are onboard for life and your traffic machine becomes unstoppable!

Optional Extras…

You’ll notice a few banners and text ads included in this guide like this one for learning the secrets of online advertising from successful marketers starting from scratch. (NOTE: There’s no opt‑in needed 🙂)

Or this banner that invites you to JV with a world-class marketer …



These earn me extra commissions every time a visitor buys something. So feel free to change out my banners and links for your own offers or consider joining those sites, and inserting your own affiliate links.

This is important, particularly when you’re paying for traffic. You want to do all you can to extract maximum value from every visit. 

If you’re not ready to do that just now, you can delete them entirely, or leave them there with my IDs. I’ll consider it as a thank you for giving you this free system …  I’ll leave that up to you 😎

Change My Links To Yours

Once you’ve got a decent number of referrals in each of these traffic programs, you might like to divert some or all of the traffic to other offers.

I recommend you leave ‘some’ traffic permanently, pointing to this guide, maybe rotate through the three different sites to mix it up, just to make sure this keeps growing and doesn’t taper off over time.

Monetize This Page

You can even take it one step further and add a couple of other related offers. Just add them, like I have below, so you don’t distract people from the main purpose of setting up their premium traffic.

Then, if the people who duplicate your efforts decide to use your programs as well, you’ve got a few extra income streams coming in.

So these are three programs that I’ve found are perfect for this arrangement.

They are inexpensive to activate, simple to understand, easy to promote and extremely lucrative. They each come highly recommended, not just by me but by many top earning marketers.

Check them out and if you decide to join any and leave them on your page, just remember to update those links as well!

OK, that’s it!

If you’ve done all that, hearty congratulations… you’re in the very small minority of people out there who will actually take action, do the work and get the results they’re looking for. Well done!

If you’ve just been skimming, that’s OK. Now you’ve seen how it all works, stop everything else, bookmark or copy this page and set up your sytem. You have everything you need right here, to finally make some real money online and quite possibly change your life forever…

But ONLY if you take action … DO IT NOW!


How To Build a Legion of Subscribers For $1 A Day

As an online marketer, you know how important it is to build your own subscriber list, right? You’ve heard it before, I know, but really, the money is in the list.

So this part of the system will help you get more subscribers and more income daily with less hassle than you have to cope with today. 

It’s working for me and many other people just like you and there is absolutely no reason it won’t work for you too, now, and well into the future. 

Let’s get to it …

Imagine, if you will, being given a legion of 9,000 eager, ready-to-engage contacts who are:

✓ Fully vetted and qualified

✓ Authentically interested

✓ Verified and eager

✓ Primed and ready to dive into the “Make Money Online” realm and/or the evergreen health and wellness niche.

How long would you reckon it’d take to amass such a force with the old school tactics?


 I will show you how to get more visitors to your offers with a little daily work by combining another powerful three step strategy. 

Let’s move on and see what this setup looks like …

Everything you need to get 100+ leads every day and build a successful and profitable email marketing business is right here. So if you’re still with me, embrace our foolproof three-step strategy and watch as the magic unfolds:

First, pick an email to send.

NOTE: You can use and edit the Master Email Swipes or you                                             can write your own emails as you see in the image below.

Once you have picked or written the email you want to send, select from one of the two mailing types you are offered and send it to your 9000 leads.



The system I am recommending here provides you with a minimum 100 leads a day, it takes 15 minutes to use, and only costs $1 a day. 

Pro Tip: You get 200 a day when you recommend another user.


Let’s take a look at the system in action.

Steve explains it all in this short video



At the end of the day, you want to boost your income and make a decent living from your efforts. 

This is where your list building and monetization method comes in.

Your choice is to send people to a bridge page (like this one) or directly to an optin page to build your own list on your own autoresponder. This way you can communicate, entertain, give valuable information and build a relationship with your subscribers. At the same time you can offer your people your own products or an affiliate offer.  

Pro Tip: I strongly recommend building your own subscriber list.

Why? You’ll make more money that way 😉

And that is how easy it is to boost your income with this system.

Your only task? 

Send one email every day.



Now, if you’re ready to meet Jim, get more visitors to your offers and boost your income Traffic Triumvirate style … click here!


Wrapping It Up

In this guide, I have shown you how to generate tons of targeted traffic, build a healthy recurring income with three autopilot traffic services and a little elbow grease from you! 

You also know how to get more eyeballs on your offer, where to get 100+ interested leads every day and build an engaged subscriber list. 

All the traffic services working together creates an automatic, powerful yet simple marketing system that can give you great results for a long time to come. 

However, if after reading this you feel you need more help, sign up here to get more information, ongoing support and I’ll send you a  special bonus to help to grow your online business faster, and easier.

You DO NOT need to spend a lot of time, money, or effort but you DO NEED to take the first step. In other words – Take Action! 

Remember … imperfect action is better than no action at all  😉 

When you do, you WILL be able to build a handsome income while working less hours, leaving more time to do the things you can’t now. 

Your subscriber list is the foundation of any profitable online business and helping you to build your list fast and with little effort is the sole goal of Traffic Triumvirate.

I hope this guide has been informative in helping you grow your business and your future income. And I wish you all the best with your online your journey.

Sometimes something special comes along, out of the blue, that simply seems too good to be true. If you think that this guide qualifies as something special and you know someone who might benefit from this knowledge, please share it… it’s good karma 🙂

Feel free to share this guide with your friends.





The information presented here is no way intended to guarantee you any type of financial result or any guarantee as to how many email subscribers you will get.

It is your responsibility to proceed with caution and do your own due diligence before proceeding with any of the advice included in this ebook.

Author/publisher will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of financial loss, injury, or personal loss. 

There are risks involved with any business venture, and you assume all such risks and waive any responsibly to the author/publisher. 

Results will vary from person to person and there is no guarantee for any specific results to be made.

2 thoughts on “Traffic Triumvirate – Automated Traffic & Income System”

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